Group Members can’t access OS X Server wiki, or, users and groups can’t be added

So for a long time, there was a group set on the Out of a Jam Staff wiki. And lo, all was well. Users were added to the group, and access was had by all.

Then, one day, Michael added a new employee to the JamStaff group and and behold – they had zilch for permissions on the wiki. Being in the middle of running around like a chicken with its head cut off and its hair on fire, Michael simply added the user directly and gave them access. “I’ll fix that someday,” he told himself and, as is always the case with such things, someday never came. As time went on, it got more and more annoying, but he got more and more used to it as well, so there you go. Apathy is the immovable object.

Fast forward to today, and not only did being part of the group do zip, but it actually wasn’t possible to add a user directly to the wiki either. Oh, you could add, but saving would give a nasty red message saying ‘Error Saving ACL’s’. Wondering if the ill fated  group, which lit up in red at that message as well and was set as owner, might be part of the problem, Michael attempted to delete it. When it vanished, attempting to save just gave an unhelpful ‘Error Saving Settings’ and that’s it.


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iCloud Storage Full: Or, my phone keeps annoying me and I want to smash it

iOS iPhone iCloud backup settings

The latter part of the subject could be a lot of things. The first part, too, I suppose, but fewer enough to where we can cover them here!

If you’re an iPhone user, chances are you are, whether unwittingly or not an iCloud user as well. Apple reps at the Apple Store are pretty aggressive about turning it on (Apple ad: used car salesmen everywhere: would you like to push iCloud services instead?) and iOS itself is pretty insistent you get some iCloud on.

It’s not that iCloud is bad – by and large, it’s great, and well worth having for one reason or another. The times when you wouldn’t want iCloud are worthy of an article entirely on their own, but for the moment, lets get over my absurdly long intro and get to the meat: what do you do when you start being incessantly told your iCloud storage is full?

The possible reasons are many, the common reasons are but two. 

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@N twitter fraud, GoDaddy Credit Card problems or: don’t trust orders to surrender

Krak Des Chevaliers - best passwords, social engineered

The story told of twitter handle @N is pretty terrifying for anyone who walks around thinking that their internet life is safe. Strong passwords, different passwords, two factor authentication, clever security questions and more were providing them with some measure of online security. That, of course, is the assumption that the garrison of Kark des Chevaliers made right until a tricksy letter made them surrender all.

History proves again and again that time marches on, but nothing ever changes, and those who fail to study history won’t be able to whip out boring historical facts at the drop of a hat. Or learn from it, I guess.

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How to Scan in Mac OS X

A little while ago, I had the following conversation over dinner:

Michael, speaking with the same enthusiasm with which he is chewing his dinner (which is a lot, considering it is delicious):

“So I’m trying to decide. Should I write about how to scan on the mac, or something different?”

Everybody at dinner:


So it’s possible, I suppose, that ‘how to scan on the Mac’ isn’t the most riveting of subjects.  But I actually get that question a lot, and here’s why. 

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Could not find PPoE server, or: I’m travelling and my Mac went insane

From time to time, I get an emailf rom clients on the road about a specific problem. I’ll paraphrase:

When I left my house, my perfectly well-behaved Mac went completely mental and pops up gibbeirsh sounding messages what seems like ever two seconds. These messages are always saying the same thing, something about ‘A PPPoE server cannot be found TECH BLAH BLAH BLAH’

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The Dangers of Technology: or, how to buck up and cope

One of the most important questions of our time is this: how are we, as a species, going to cope with the technology we create?

There is an article on the Wall Street Journal website that wrestles with some of the ramifications of that question. It’s titled ‘Are Smart Gadgets Making Us Dumb?’ and it’s dumb.

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